Software British Telecom Change PSP become the Mobile Phone

Possibly Sony too sophisticated make PSP as one console game portable. Proven, than is used to play games the person more tends to use PSP to do another thing (browsing, streaming the match of the Arsenal ball, mendownload the lesson, etc.). Now one software from British Telecom (FOR) increasingly keep away PSP from fate in fact as one console game.

This Software enables the PSP owner to carry out the telephone call to pemilk PSP other use technology VoIP. To can use the service for that, the user PSP only needs one of PSP, one peripheral Five! Cam (the Eye camera toy), and the connection of Wi-Fi.

Initially, this PSP mobile phone service will only be available in UK (Great Britain) and only work in the house or hotspot BT. But to to the front, IN ORDER TO be planned menggembangkan him so as the user PSP can interact with the user PC, the telephone rumah,atau also the mobile phone. IN ORDER TO give more details software this PSP mobile phone in the Convention of Games Leipzig (Germany) in August.

Source: BBC News